SAP Technical Monitoring

Detect system issues and proactively monitor performance using SAP Solution Manager

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Technical Monitoring

Is your SAP support team firefighting performance issues ? Are they constantly on toes managing the performance and availability of the system. 

If yes, consider proactive monitoring and alerting solution from SAP Solution Manager, it is exquisitely designed to improve SAP applications through early detection and problem analysis.

Monitoring your SAP landscape become increasingly challenging with demand for peak performance and bigger operations. 

Goals for Technical Monitoring

Technical monitoring can achieve the following goals,


SAP Implementations usually end up with complex landscapes. Having visibility on performance KPI is not easily achievable. Our customers are able to achieve this using Solution manager tools.


Monitoring and resolving issues proactively changes the whole dynamics of system administration. The same team can achieve much more with proactive monitoring. With proactive monitoring you can ensure the availability of mission-critical SAP landscapes.


Consistent performance, and system availability translates to reliability in end-user perspective. Reliability is a higher achievement and is possible with use of advanced tools, proactive monitoring, and consistent application of standard monitoring processes.


Techical monitoring centralizes the system performance, availability information, processes and actions. Centralization simplifies monitoring, it unifies actions using information transparency and easy access. Centralization saves time and monitoring effort. 

SAP Technical Monitoring Goals
SAP Technical Monitoring

Technical Monitoring Benefits

There are numerous benefits from technical monitoring. Without technical monitoring your SAP systems will eventually become unreliable.

However implementing technical monitoring should be a quick decision, using SAP standard templated content we roll out technical monitoring in just under 3 weeks. 

System Uptime

 Proactive monitoring gives the opportunity to react quickly to critical performance issues. In our implementations we have seen critical being detected and solved before they can cause system downtime.


Increased uptime, higher performance and quicker resolution of issues will increase your SAP system’s reliability and productivity. 


Quick Setup

We accelerate technical monitoring implementation with SAP standard templated content. Standard KPIs implementation saves time and meet majority of the technical monitoring requirements.


Other Expertise

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We can setup object synchronization between landscapes. Retrofit also offers seemless integration with Change management. The better part is that we can automate 90% of the sync activity.

External Interfaces

External Integration

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We understand that Clients already have change control systems in their organization, many times these are non-sap. We offer our clients to setup external integration with CHARM so that one-view of change management is possible.

Change Management Dashboards

Change Management Dashboards

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Are CHARM reports not fullfilling your organization needs ? Our clients often ask us for customized reports. We understand that you have specific needs and we can quickly prepare custom reports using dashboard builder in soluton manager. 

Focuused build image

SAP Focused Build

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Focused build is the only tool you need to implement SAP. Focused build will reduce risk and faciliate the consumption of best practices while accelerating all implementation activities.

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Realize value of your business process innovation effectively with upto date process documentation. Process centric view of all implementation activities is more meaningfull and traceable.

SAP testing image

SAP Testing

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Develop target business processes based on best practices, reducing risk and streamlining business operations. Proactively measure and monitor the success of business transactions using advanced monitoring capabilities.


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